HTML5 Live New York City, NY November 1, 2011

Presentation: "Exploring Canvas"

Track: Developer Track / Time: Tuesday 14:30 - 15:20 / Location: Room 1

Learn about programming charts and graphs, animations, drawing applications and other early use-cases for the HTML5 canvas element.  Come explore the canvas API including shapes, styles, transformations, compositing, images and animation.  Along the way we'll explore examples on both the frivolous and more practical sides of the scale.

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Kevin Hoyt, Group Manager Developer Evangelism, Adobe

Kevin Hoyt

Biography: Kevin Hoyt

Kevin Hoyt is a Group Manager of Developer Evangelism at Adobe Systems, Inc. where he has been actively involved in furthering web technologies for more than a decade.  Kevin is responsible for covering a broad array of technologies, and spends upwards of seventy percent of the year presenting keynotes, sessions and hands-on labs at conferences and user group events across the globe.  Prior to joining Adobe, Kevin held various information technology roles ranging from web design to enterprise infrastructure.  Kevin lives in Denver, CO and enjoys photography and general aviation in his free time.